Struggling to Focus? 5 Study HACKS you need to TRY.

Welcome to Student Navigator, We’ve all been there – you sit down to knock out some work or studying, but after a few minutes, you’re mindlessly scrolling social media, binge-watching videos, or dealing with other distractions that completely break your concentration and productivity. Focusing for long periods can be a constant challenge in our notifications-filled, digital world.

If you often find your mind wandering when you meant to be productive, don’t worry – you’re definitely not alone! But you also don’t have to just accept poor concentration as your fate. With a few simple adjustments and some mental hacks, you can seriously improve your ability to maintain intense focus during study sessions.

Hack #1: Optimize Your Study Environment

Take a look around where you typically try to study or do work. Do you see any obvious distractions like your phone, TV, windows with busy scenes, or other random clutter? Removing visual temptations from your study space can help tremendously.

You might even make your study space a little boring and uninviting for distractions. For example, use harsh lighting that makes things like phone-checking unpleasant. Or clear away everything except a lamp, your work materials, and a little snack.

Does noise easily break your concentration? Try using background sounds like white noise, rain, or lo-fi music to mask disruptions while not being too distracting themselves.

Having a spot that mentally cues “productivity mode” when you enter it can reinforce better focus.

Hack #2: Work in Focused Sprints

It’s extremely difficult for anyone to concentrate intensely on a task for longer than 60-90 minutes at a time. Instead of fighting your brain’s natural energy cycles, capitalize on them by working in short, distraction-free sprints.

The Pomodoro Technique is one popular approach that uses 25-minute work periods separated by 5-minute breaks. Every 4 Pomodoros, you get a longer 15-30 minute break. During work periods, eliminate all potential distractions and focus solely on your task. Then let your brain fully recharge during breaks.

Or you can follow your own intervals, like 50 focused minutes followed by a 10-minute break. Figure out a pace that feels sustainable for your schedule and energy levels.

Hack #3: Use Website Blockers

Let’s be real – the endless scroll of social media, viral videos, and other websites can sabotage our productivity like nothing else. When you really need to lock in and concentrate, put some website blockers in place.

Browser extensions like WasteNoTime, LeechBlock, and Cold Turkey Blocker let you block access to any distracting site for a set period of time. They make those temptations completely unreachable so you’re not even able to absent-mindedly open them.

Many also let you schedule allowed times to access certain sites (like only checking social media 30 mins before bed). This ensures you’ll stay on task during important work hours.

Hack #4: Listen to Instrumental Audio

Having some ambient background noise playing while you study can actually help your focus rather than hurting it. The key is avoiding music with lyrics or other audio that will distract your brain.

Great options are instrumental playlists, nature soundtracks (rain, ocean waves), video game music, or even ambient noise from places like coffee shops. This type of audio can aid concentration by masking unexpected, distracting noises around you.

It can also induce you into a flow state of deep focus where you’re tuning out everything except the task at hand. Figure out what soundtracks work best for your personal study style.

Hack #5: Take Strategic Breaks

While short breaks are great for recharging focus, longer breaks are also key for optimizing overall concentration throughout a full study session or workday.

Use the 90/20 rule – for every 90 minutes of intense focus, take a 20-30 minute break to recover before your next productive sprint. Or you might prefer a different interval, like 60 mins on/20 mins off.

The important thing is using the break to fully disconnect from work. Don’t just transition to another digital distraction. Instead, grab a healthy snack, go for a quick walk, do some light stretches, or engage in another therapeutic activity to clear your mind.


Putting just a few of these simple study hacks into practice can dramatically improve your ability to concentrate on important work or studying. Don’t settle for constantly feeling distracted and unfocused – put some concentration-boosting tactics in place and get more quality work time!

By optimizing your environment, working in focused sprints, using website blockers, listening to instrumental audio, and taking strategic breaks, you can transform your study habits and achieve a higher level of productivity. Try these hacks and see which ones make the biggest difference for you.

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